Saturday, November 13, 2010

Winter To-Do List

My Winter To-Do List

For my love of lists, this year I am creating a “winter to do list”!

1. Ice skating outside-anywhere
2. Make a ginger bread house
3. Go look at the houses with Christmas decor
4. Hollydazzle parade and hot coco
5. Sledding in the snow
6. Finish my Christmas shopping by December 15
7. Bake homemade cookies
8. Visit a new museum
9. Ski trip
10. Candle Light Dinner
11. Try something new
12. Scrapbook a holiday frame
13. Volunteer
14. Day trip to Duluth-take pictures
15. Run a winter 5K
16. Celebrate with a tasty dinner-new recipe needed for this one ;)
17. Photograph EVERYTHING on this list :)
I might need some motivation for some of these, company would be nice too! Parades, ice skating, skiing and so on just aren’t the same by oneself. Volunteers needed!!!

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